Welcome Home!
Community Bible Church of Weir, Texas is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.
Sunday Schedule:
8:30am - Breakfast
9am - Bible study for all ages
10am - Worship Gathering
We are saving a seat just for you...
Sunday Schedule:
8:30am - Breakfast
9am - Bible study for all ages
10am - Worship Gathering
We are saving a seat just for you...

Current Sermon Series: Sowing and Reaping
Most of the Bible was originally written to those living in what we would consider a rural society. Going all the way back to the Garden of Eden and throughout the Bible, people were familiar with working the land, managing livestock, and raising crops. Not surprisingly, then, the Bible contains many references to sowing and reaping, and many of Jesus’ parables involve these principles. Over the coming weeks, we are going to explore the truths behind sowing and reaping and apply them to every part of our lives.
2024 Annual Celebration and Report
What a year, and what an amazing couple of years! We gathered recently to celebrate and give thanks for what the Good Lord has done in our little church, and we want to share that with you. The video contains some highlights along with a montage from the last several years. We hope you enjoy it!
We also want you to have your own copy of the Annual Report - it is the link just below here. Click on it to get a more in-depth view of our mission and purpose, the numbers, the 2025 Spending Plan, and the vision for the future.
We would love to hear from you - your thoughts, comments, suggestions - we are an open book and you are important! Click below to send us an email.
CBC LiveStream - Sundays @ 10AM
Bookmark this to join us on Sundays - We're glad you are here!
Sunday Mornings, 9:00
We are READY for those kiddos! Singing, laughter, and heartfelt Jesus learning is what your children will get, and it is also what they will talk about on the way home! And parents - we have a Bible study for you to slip in to while your children are in theirs. And just to sweeten it up for you, we serve come-and-go breakfast starting at 8:30 am. Why? Because we are all parents and we know how tough it can be on a Sunday morning, so we are taking something off your plate (did you catch that?) by serving breakfast for you and your family.
Bible Study Resources
Click the image above to go a page on our website with useful online resources. These are great for Bible study, getting tough questions answered, searching Bible verse databases, and more. These are Pastor Michael's favorite sites, and more are being added. You can also go to cbcweir.com/resources from any device.